E-Commerce Fulfillment Center and Amazon FBA Prep Service

Centrally located in Oklahoma to save you money on all your logistics needs

Supply Chain Solutions + logistics Company

  • Subscription Fulfillment Center
  • Kickstarter/Crowdfunding Fulfillment
  • Influencer Merchandise Fulfillment
  • Logistics Company
  • Kitting, Batching, & Bundling
  • No Order Minimums
  • No Long-Term Storage Fees
  • No Peak Season Storage Cost Increase


Centrally Located To All US Markets

You no longer have to pay to split inventory between multiple warehouses due to our central US warehouse location. Located in the heart of Oklahoma, we can ship and provide service to almost anywhere in the country within a 2-day window or less. Why pay more to ship your products across the country to multiple coastal warehouses when you can ship to one central US fulfillment center and serve all your customers quickly? With our central US distribution, warehousing, fulfillment, and pick and pack services, you save money on freight and keep customers happy.

fulfillment center, Endeavor Indusries